Scholarships for International Students in the USA
We know how hard it is to find the money to pay for college and university education, especially if you want to study overseas. But there is good news. There are many colleges and universities – and some institutions – that offer partial and full scholarships for international students in the USA.
Over a million international students are studying in the USA. A lot of those students can do so because of the scholarships and bursaries provided by the institutions that they attend. Many of these universities offer generous undergraduate and post-graduate scholarships. Or the students get scholarships through government and other institutional organizations.
For your education funding, you just need to look to find one that is right for you.
Planning for your higher education
Financing is a major part of higher education. A lot of universities and colleges require that students can show how they will fund their education for the planned period of study. So, that means you have to come prepared. Therefore, it is important that you take the right steps to identify potential scholarship opportunities that meet your educational and career goals.
Types of Scholarships
- Full and partial scholarships
Full scholarships can cover both tuition and boarding or tuition only. Partial scholarships may cover only a part of the cost of your tuition. You will then need to show how you will find the difference to complete the rest of your studies.
- Scholarships based on your program of study
There are scholarships offered based on the program you intend to study or the level that you plan to study at. That means some colleges offer both undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships. Or the scholarships may be based on the type of major you want to do. For example, the Avvo Scholarship Program only offers scholarships for law students.
- General international student scholarships
Higher education institutions frequently offer general scholarships for international students. They do this to help to attract the best and brightest. These scholarships are not program specific. They are often open to all international students applying to the university once they meet the qualifying criteria.
Berkeley College is one example of this. They offer general international scholarships to international students. These students have to submit their scholarship applications at the same time that they apply for admission. The Fulbright Scholarship is another institutional scholarship that does not limit the program of study.
How to Find a Scholarship for International Students
There are a variety of ways to look up scholarships for international students in the USA. You can:
1. Visit the website of the university where you would like to study. Check out their international students’ webpage or funding sections to see what scholarships are available
2. Search the web for scholarships for international students to study in the USA. Many websites create listings of available scholarships.
3. Visit the Study in the USA summary page of some of the scholarships and scholarship sites available for you to apply or get mor eiformation.
Find a University Scholarship Today
Don’t be put off by the cost of education. Browse through our comprehensive list of US colleges, universities, institutions and organizations that offer scholarships for international students.
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